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International Essay Competition on Accounting (ASCENT) 2023

International Essay Competition on Accounting (ASCENT) 2023
Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Malang akan mengadakan "International Essay Competition on Accounting (ASCENT) 2023" untuk mahasiswa nasional dan internasional dengan tema "Peran dan Inovasi Akuntan dalam Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan untuk Mencapai Pemulihan Ekonomi Global yang Tangguh".

Lomba esai ini merupakan lomba menulis yang terbuka untuk mahasiswa diploma atau sarjana dari Universitas Nasional dan Internasional, dibuktikan dengan melampirkan scan Student Identity Card (SIC) atau Surat Keterangan Aktif Kuliah. Pendaftaran dibuka hingga tanggal 30 Mei 2023. Jadi, jangan sampai ketinggalan ya info lomba menulis mei 2023 kali ini!

Oh iya, buat kamu yang masih kebingungan dalam menulis esai, kamu bisa kamu bisa baca-baca tentang cara membuat essay yang baik dan benar. Atau sebelum mengirim karya, kamu bisa mengecek plagiat online gratis.

International Essay Competition on Accounting (ASCENT) 2023

Tema dan Subtema

Tema: "The Role and Innovation of Accountant in Sustainable Development Goals to Achieve Resilient Global Economic Recovery". Subtema:
  • Technology
  • Creative Economy
  • Environment
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy


  • April 12 - April 25: Registration and Submission Batch 1
  • April 26 - May 11: Registration and Submission Batch 2
  • May 12 - May 30: Registration and Submission Batch 3
  • June 17: Announcement of the Finalist
  • June 17 - June 18: Re-registration
  • June 20: Final Technical Meeting
  • June 21 - June 23: PowerPoint Submission
  • June 24: Final Presentation
  • Early August: Webinar & Awarding


1. Follow akun instagram @kabarlomba_com dan channel telegram t.me/kabarlomba untuk mendapatkan informasi lomba terbaru

2. Participants must be diploma or undergraduate students from National and International Universities, as evidenced by attaching a scan of Student Identity Card (SIC) or Certificate of Active Lecture.

3. Participants are in teams consisting of a maximum of three students, with one person as the leader and the others as team members. Team members can come from different departments or faculties with records still in the same university.

4. Essay writing submitted can be in the form of ideas or research results that are original, have never been published, have never won a previous event and are not being entered in another competition event (proven by the Originality of Work Sheet).

5. Participants must follow Instagram accounts @hmdakt_um and @ascent.um.

6. Participants must upload twibbon on personal social media accounts by tagging the Instagram account @hmdakt_um and @ascent.um. Twibbon and caption can be downloaded at https://bit.ly/GuidelineASCENT2023.

7. Participants who have registered cannot be replaced with other participants.

8. Each college is free to send the number of team delegates.

9. Participants can join a maximum of two different teams, but they are only allowed to be the leader of one of the teams.

10. The committee has the right to publish accepted papers while still including the author's identity.

11. Participants must read and follow every competition mechanism and follow the writing requirements in the ASCENT 2023 guideline

12. If fraud is found by the committee, either before, during, or after the competition takes place, then the participant concerned is disqualified.

13. Collection of essays and other files sent via e-mail ascent.hmdakt.feb.um@gmail.com.

14. All participants must follow the procedures and rules determined by the ASCENT 2023 committee.

15. If there are additional rules, additional qualifications, and changes to the schedule, the committee will further inform you via email and Instagram account @ascent.um.

16. All forms of provisions and decisions of the jury at ASCENT 2023 are absolute and inviolable.

Biaya Pendaftaran

  • Batch 1: Rp50.000 (National) / $3 (International)
  • Batch 2: Rp75.000 (National) / $5 (International)
  • Batch 3: Rp100.000 (National) / $8 (International)


  • Winner : Rp2.500.000 + E-certificate
  • 1st Runner-Up : Rp1.500.000 + E-certificate
  • 2nd Runner-Up : Rp1.000.000 + E-certificate
  • 3rd Runner-Up : Rp500.000 + E-certificate
  • 4th Runner-Up : Rp300.000 + E-certificate
  • 5th Runner-Up : Rp200.000 + E-certificate

Link Penting


  • Ifan Ali Mustofa (WhatsApp : +62 838-3490-6491)
  • Fatkhur Rahman (WhatsApp : +62 882-1324-3125)
  • Yafie Zenas (WhatsApp : +62 813-3390-2636)
  • Instagram : @hmdakt_um and @ascent.um
  • Email : ascent.hmdakt.feb.um@gmail.com
Mungkin itu saja informasi tentang International Essay Competition on Accounting (ASCENT) 2023. Silahkan bagikan artikel ini ke teman-teman anda sehingga bisa memberikan kebermanfaatan bagi lebih banyak orang lagi. Silahkan klik jadwal lomba 2023 untuk mendapatkan update lomba 2023 terbaru yang kami kategorikan berdasarkan deadline (bulan).

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