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[Gratis] Lomba Esai EINSTEIN 2023 Tingkat Mahasiswa se-ASEAN

Lomba Esai EINSTEIN 2023 Tingkat Mahasiswa se-ASEAN
Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition (EINSTEIN) merupakan lomba internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Ekonomi yang rutin diadakan setiap tahun. EINSTEIN merupakan wadah yang tepat bagi anak muda di kawasan Asia Tenggara untuk menyampaikan inovasinya, khususnya di bidang teknologi manufaktur industri dalam bentuk makalah esai.

Lomba Esai EINSTEIN 2023 merupakan lomba menulis yang bersifat gratis dan terbuka untuk mahasiswa aktif di universitas se-Asia Tenggara yang dibuktikan dengan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa, Sertifikat Aktif atau sejenisnya. Pendaftaran dibuka hingga tanggal 15 Juli 2023. Oleh karena itu, jangan sampai ketinggalan ya!

Lomba Esai EINSTEIN 2023 Tingkat Mahasiswa se-ASEAN

Tema dan Subtema

Tema: "The Rise of the Southeast Asian Economy with Manufacturing Industry Technology" dengan subtema:
  • Islamic Economics
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Computational Transportation Science
  • Marine Science and Technology
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Industrial Economy


  • Pendaftaran dan penyerahan karya : 16 Mei s/d 15 Juli 2023
  • Pengumuman Finalis : 21 Juli 2023
  • Presentasi Finalis : 29 Juli 2023
  • Pengumuman Juara : 06 Agustus 2023

Ketentuan Peserta

1. Follow akun instagram @kabarlomba_com dan channel telegram t.me/kabarlomba untuk mendapatkan informasi lomba terbaru

2. Participants are active students at universities throughout Southeast Asia as evidenced by a Student ID card, Active Certificate or the like.

3. Participants can be individuals or teams consisting of 1 to 3 members with one being the chairperson.

4. Each team is allowed from different majors/faculties but still in one university.

5. Participants are required to fill in a complete biodata for the purpose of essay publication.

6. The email used to register and included in the author's biodata is the email from the student's college (mandatory, if you don't have it, you can use your personal email).

7. Participants are required to follow Instagram @einstein_jieunesa.

8. Participants are required to upload twibbon along with captions that can be downloaded on the EINSTEIN web. Then upload to the personal Instagram of all members and tag @einstein_jiunesa account

Ketentuan Esai

1. Length 3 to 5 pages (excluding cover, table of contents, and author bio)

2. Essay format
  • A4 Paper
  • Times New Roman 12
  • Spacing 1.5
  • Left margin 4 cm, Right 3 cm, top 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm
3. The essay manuscript contains three parts that do not need to be explicitly mentioned, namely:
  • Introduction (contains the background of the problem and identification of the topic of discussion)
  • Content (discussion and analysis)
  • Closing (conclusion and suggestions)
4. Essays may include data in the form of photographs and infographics as necessary.

5. Literature sources are recommended from books, journals, papers, newspapers, and literature sources from the internet (online) are on trusted sources (official websites of newspapers, government / private agencies, e-journals, e-books).

Biaya Pendaftaran

  • Gratis


  • Juara 1 : Money worth IDR 1,000,000 + E-certificate + E-certificate of Publication
  • Juara 2 : Money worth IDR 750,000 + E-certificate + E-certificate of Publication
  • Juara 3 : Money worth IDR 500,000 + E-certificate + E-certificate of Publication
  • Best Presentation : Money worth IDR 300,000 + E-certificate + E-certificate of Publication
  • All participants get an E-certificate + E-certificate of Publication

Link Penting


  • Nashwa WhatsApp : +6282117764594
  • Nadiah WhatsApp : +6289687298766 | Line : shyehae
Mungkin itu saja informasi tentang Lomba Esai EINSTEIN 2023 Tingkat Mahasiswa se-ASEAN. Silahkan bagikan artikel ini ke teman-teman anda sehingga bisa memberikan kebermanfaatan bagi lebih banyak orang lagi. Silahkan klik jadwal lomba 2023 untuk mendapatkan update lomba 2023 terbaru yang kami kategorikan berdasarkan deadline (bulan).

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INI BUKU STRATEGI untuk Jadi Awardee Beasiswa Luar Negeri by Kobi Education (@kobieducation)